Wednesday, September 4, 2013

San Diego Day 4

Spent the night at Kevin and Cindy's. Got up and left, stopped at McDonalds for an Egg McMuffin. Ronnie and Brayden came to see us and check out the Janabanana.

Ronnie and Brayden went on a dinghy ride with David

Walked up to the marina office and got all checked in and paid for our first months moorage, got our keys and car passes. Had lunch at the little deli here. We ordered club sandwiches and they were huge. We should have split one. Booked our flights to go home next Tuesday. One more week to enjoy San Diego. Drove to Home Depot on Midway and bought some stuff we needed then went to West Marine on Rosencrans. Huge store. Now we are back at the boat and will stay home and BBQ some pork chops for dinner tonight.

Went on a little sunset dinghy ride. Net Gayle on the Work Not on our end dock. He and his wife Mary are going on the Fubar cruise with us.

Days are getting shorter now

We are the only ones out here

Love the reflection on the clouds

There is the Sheraton


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

San Diego Day 3 Labor Day

Went on a walk this morning along Harbor Island Drive. Going to Kevin and Cindy's to celebrate the holiday today. Thanks for a great day!

Loulou, Hunter and Chad.

Nicole and Carter

Faster, faster!

Hunter stops for a pose for Janabanana

Rick and David discussing our trip

Sandra, Cindy and Nicole

Carter says "hmmm, do I want a Tecate or Coors Light?"

Tecate it is!

Nothing beats a little patty-cake.

Time for dinner

Lobster for dinner and Cindy your beans were the best!

Pops showing Carter how to grill up some lobster tails

I can do it myself!



Monday, September 2, 2013

San Diego Day 2

Got the dinghy down after breakfast. Filled it up at the fuel dock and went for a long ride around San Diego Harbor. Hot outside so a perfect day for a fast boat ride.

San Diego skyline

Tall ships are in Port. They were blowing their cannons and it made me jump every time!

Looks like a picture

USS Midway

More skyline

Big city

Glorietta Bay by Coronado, crowded with boats for the holiday weekend.

Hotel Del

El Mirar anchored in Glorietta Bay. Cool slide! She's a 105 foot Horizon. They were in Bell Harbor in downtown Seattle the same time we were last summer coming home from the San Juan's.

Coronado Bridge

Another view

Pretty San Diego

I love our new home!

Cindy and Kevin came over tonight. They are taking us out for dinner at C-Level. Cindy is looking beautiful as always.

Gorgeous sunset tonight

Kevin and David at the bar waiting for our table.

Thank you Kevin and Cindy for a fun evening and delicious dinner. Looking forward to you both joining us on our next exciting adventure, "Janabanana to La Paz". In November.