Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 2 Astoria to Newport

Left the dock at 6:00 am. The bar was flat, flat, flat. Just the way we like it. Ocean is flat too. A few fishing boats and crabbers are out here. Saw a bunch of porpoises off of Cape Lookout. David saw some whales off of Tillamook. Ran down here at about 1460 RPM's. Arrived in Newport at about 3:30. Stopped at the fuel dock and put on 240.4 gallons of diesel. Slid over to the guest dock at South Beach Marina. Walked to Marina office to pay, only $25 per day and that includes electricity, what a bargain! Stopped at the Rogue Ale House and had a couple of Orgasmic Ales. Yum! Spicy Peanut Chicken bake with roasted asparagus and green salad tossed with blue cheese for dinner. So happy to be in port for a couple of days so I don't have to set an alarm. Excited to see our friends Dianne and John and Julie and Steve Schudel while we're here.

The treacherous Columbia River bar :-)
Flat ocean
Coming into Newport


Hello Newport!


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cruise Day 1 - Here We Go!

Left the dock this morning at 6:30am. Kind of sad to leave the beautiful Portland weather, family and friends. Excited for this new adventure starting right now. We love being retired! Today our cruise will take us from Salpare Marina on Hayden Island to Astoria. 86 miles.

Putting the power cord away


Leaving Salpare Bay Marina
Goodbye Portland, on our way to Astoria today


Hello Astoria! Arrived at 1:00, a 6-1/2 hour trip. Water was flat and smooth all the way. First time ever. Put in 350 gallons of diesel, first time we have put in fuel since Gig Harbor. The weather is cloudy and cool, about 65 degrees.
Cheers! Cocktail time in Astoria. David bbq'd delicious ribs for dinner. Headed for Newport tomorrow.


Monday, July 29, 2013


Our last sunset at Salpare Marina.


And my Granddog saying Bon Voyage!


1 Day to Cruise

Took the last 2 loads of food, beer, wine, clothes, etc. to the boat today and put it all away. Have the house all ready for Miss Teri to come and house-sit for us. Ben and Melissa are coming over for a couple of beers and then we'll all head to Silk restaurant in the Pearl for our last family dinner together. Meeting up with Lisa and Anthony there. Ben will drop us off at Salpare Marina and bring my car back home. So excited to start cruising in the morning!


Dinner with the kids at Silk!


Sunday, July 28, 2013

2 Days to Cruise

David went to the boat and took another load from home, just assorted stuff and food items. Went to Costco and bought beer, wine and fruits and veggies. I went to the salon and got my nails and toes done.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

3 Days to Cruise

Today we took all the stuff we staged to the boat yesterday. Making lists of additional items to take from home and lists of grocery and Costco stuff. Getting so excited. Weather looks like it is going to be sweet,

Friday, July 26, 2013

4 Days to Cruise

Today we just worked from home. I selected clothes that I think I want to take with me (probably way too much). David worked on getting fishing poles and lures, tackle box, crab pots, survival suits, diving gear staged and ready to take to the boat tomorrow.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

5 days to cruising. Survival suits

Today we tested out our survival suits in the backyard pool. Really hard to move around and they keep you really dry and hot! Hope we never have to use them. Jan is in the first 2 pictures, David is in the 3rd and 4th picture.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Countdown to cruise 6 days left

Today we are going to have our life raft mounted on the Janabanana. We had a special bracket made, now. We need to drill some holes in the vase of the life raft and the hull of our boat. Lift it into place, (it weighs 98 pounds) and secure it to the side of the boat. We will also start packing supplies such as food clothing and our 4 new survival suits on board.



Tuesday, July 23, 2013