Left the dock at 6:00 am. The bar was flat, flat, flat. Just the way we like it. Ocean is flat too. A few fishing boats and crabbers are out here. Saw a bunch of porpoises off of Cape Lookout. David saw some whales off of Tillamook. Ran down here at about 1460 RPM's. Arrived in Newport at about 3:30. Stopped at the fuel dock and put on 240.4 gallons of diesel. Slid over to the guest dock at South Beach Marina. Walked to Marina office to pay, only $25 per day and that includes electricity, what a bargain! Stopped at the Rogue Ale House and had a couple of Orgasmic Ales. Yum! Spicy Peanut Chicken bake with roasted asparagus and green salad tossed with blue cheese for dinner. So happy to be in port for a couple of days so I don't have to set an alarm. Excited to see our friends Dianne and John and Julie and Steve Schudel while we're here.
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