Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 18 - Half Moon Bay to Monterey Bay

Pulled anchor around 6:35, we pulled up some old, nasty anchor chain that fouled our anchor. David bent the boat hook attempting to un-foul it. The chain was 3 times the size of our chain and very heavy. David had to lay on his stomach and muscle the thing over the tangs of our anchor, it didn't happen on his first attempt, but he finally got it so we could go. He was a mess! Dirty, wet, ewe! Think we need to carry a Sawzall of chain cutters on board! Got out of Pillar Point at 6:50, in the fog, of course. As we're sliding out, all of the sudden, right in front of us are two little pedal kayaks with fishing nets, OMG! What the F are they doing out here? at the crack of dawn? In the fog? David had to slow all the way down so we didn't swamp 'em. GEEZ, enough already.

Ocean was calm, foggy and gray, as usual. Kevin Beale expects this, right Kevin? Saw a few fishing boats in the fog early on the way. After a couple of hours the sun tried to come out for a bit.

Sun trying to come out in the ocean, what a treat!

We had originally planned to go to Santa Cruz, but decided to travel the extra 34 miles to Monterey Bay. When we called the Monterey Marina for a slip for the night, they mentioned that all the squid boats were coming in for the weather about to hit this afternoon until Sunday. So, we are hanging out here until Sunday. :-). Nice to have the time to chill.

Kind of difficult to figure out the opening to this place. Tiny buoys. Once inside, all good. Tied up at end of B dock. More sea lions, OH NO! But they are nothing like SF. Ate lunch then walked up the dock and checked in with Harbormaster. Walked to Fisherman's Wharf. Came back and washed the JB. Nice and warm and sunny, love it. Enjoyed a couple beers in the sun on the back deck afterward.

Aft view.


Fisherman's Wharf of our Port window.

We are the end of B dock.

That's us, half way up on the right.


Another view....

From the Wharf

Fog want to come in but this place stays sunny.

We really enjoyed sippin our beer after washing the JB. I know, he doesn't look happy but he is.

David grilled up some steaks.


Pilot house view, long dock.

Not a bad dining spot. Had a great day.


1 comment:

  1. Great story. So people do this all the time, right? Wow.
