Had a great dinner last night, Chicken Parmesan and a good night of sleep. Left the dock at 6:05. Calm with no wind. 5 miles back to the ocean. The ocean is calm too. We are right off Cape Mendocino at 9:00, the sun is out, seas are calm and we just saw whales, so cool. Life is good right now!
View out of the pilot house at Cape Mendocino. Love it.
The ocean was nice and flat today, you could water ski on it.
Saw whales a couple different times today. We are staying in the Noyo Basin a few miles up the Noyo River. It's a small fishing town with tons of crusty fishing trawlers. All the old fishermen are giving us the eye. The Janabanana is definitely not like the others here, LOL. Kevin says this is his favorite port so far. David says that this trip is much better than his expectations...he was expecting to put the JB to her limits.
Coming through the jaws into Ft. Bragg
Passing under the Noyo Bridge
Cruising up the Noyo River, kind of tight.
One of us is not like the other. :-)
The boys relaxing after washing the boat.
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