Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 23 - Morro Bay to Santa Barbara

Left the dock at 6:20. Morro Bay was really fun, nice weather, whales, cool little town, good food and friendly boaters. Ocean is smooth as glass again today and we have good visibility. We can see the shoreline! Whales must still be sleeping. We go around Point Conception today, another area where the water can be treacherous. Hope it stays this smooth.

Calm ocean this morning. We saw a lot of whales and porpoises early today.

Weird to see oil rigs out here, saw lots of them and they don't smell good

Giant missile gantries of the Vandenburg Air Force Missile Range off Point Arguello. If you zoom in you can see the huge USA flag on the side. This is 11.8 miles NW of Point Conception. As you can see, we seem to be the luckiest boaters in the Pacific experiencing one of the most beautiful days on the ocean.

Point Conception. Passed at noon.

The California coastline is so beautiful.

Santa Barbara Point

This Marina is huge, I'll need to take more pictures.


View out our port side, beach, palm trees and mountains. Welcome to SoCal!

Just found out the neighbors moored next to us are people we met at the Fubar meeting. Frank and Jeanie off the Seajeanie! We'll be boating with them on our La Paz trip.

This is heaven! Think we'll stay awhile.


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