Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 22 - San Simeon Bay to Morro Bay

Kind of a rough night last night. Lots of waves, rocking and rolling. Just knowing we were on the hook and not tied up to a dock had me a little on edge. Weird dreams too, maybe because we watched "The Man with the 132 lb. Scrotum", on TLC right before we went to bed. That was a sick show :-).

Had a nice relaxing morning and pulled anchor at 8. We had a bunch of otters swimming around us. Water is flat and so smooth with just a little swell. Foggy at first but quickly lifted to higher clouds.

Nice and smooth this morning.

When we got to Morro Bay we noticed Humpback whales were everywhere! We put the boat in neutral and watched them for about an hour. They were all around us and I got some good video. Posted video on FB and Instagram.

So close and cool

Morro Rock and the old stacks from PG&E

Another view of Morro Rock, it's impressive!

Our view of Morro Bay

All tied up at Morro Bay Yacht Club

David relaxing and enjoying the view

Our view of Morro Rock from dinner at The Galley. Beautiful and dinner was delicious.


1 comment:

  1. WOW those whales were most impressive, what a cool experience!!
